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While you may be content with knowing how many times your video has been viewed, it's nice to know when other sites have decided to take the privilege of embedding your video on their web pages. YouTube has a tool for videos known as Insight, which provides demographics and other data on who has watched your videos.
Today, we'll show you how to use this service and find out which websites have embedded your video.
Let's start it off.
Head over to YouTube and go to your My Videos page. Browse for the video you want to check to see which websites have embedded it. Click the button labeled Insight for that video.
You should be able to see a line graph of the number of views and a world map showing the location of the viewers. On the left side, there will be a list of options under the video name (Views, Discovery, Demographics, Community, Hot Spots). Click Discovery.
You'll be greeted with a list of the number of people who have accessed and watched your video. Look for the option labeled Embedded Player and click it.
At the top, you'll see a range of dates which represent the time period YouTube is getting the data from. In order to get a larger picture of the sites that have embedded your videos, click the range of dates and click 1y. If you want to see a more current list, click 1d instead.
Underneath the date range, you'll see a list of all the websites that have embedded your video. Click any of these entries to be taken to the webpage (note: the link doesn't bring you to the exact page where your video is embedded).
A Few Problems
YouTube does not specifically tell you which page these views came from. A workaround is to visit the YouTube video page, and open the Statistics & Data above the Comments. This will give you a list of all the websites that have "linked" (read: also embedded) to your video, along with a specific URL to the page.
You can also attempt a Google search with the following query: video keywords – replacing with the domain listed on the Insight panel and video keywords with any keywords related to your video or that you may find on the page embedding your video.
If a user visits your video through the related videos scrolling browser within YouTube players, Insight will believe that your video was embedded on that website as well (which it isn't) – giving you an erroneous result. These are easily identifiable by the low volume of total views for that particular website.
Did this help you track down all the sites which have been showcasing your YouTube videos. Are you surprised to see your videos spreading like wildfire? Let us know if this "hack" has helped you!
Other interesting articles regarding YouTube:
10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About
10 Unique YouTube Channels You Should Watch
4 Quick Ways To Download YouTube Videos Off The Net
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